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About the Instructors: Instructor Timothy Edgemon teaches all the classes and helps lead the reviews.   Many students say the classes  keep you entertained with plenty of true stories, from working as  CNA's here in Florida nursing homes and hospitals.

Locally owned and operated, classes are taught to ensure your success at the state exam.  

Our staff will help you with your state application and direct you to a regional test site close to you.  You will study here, test for the state, then have your CNA License in about one month.    This is the best stepping stone to your medical career.  Get started now in an exciting new career that will greatly benefit your income.  We will assist you to learn each skill step by step so you can pass your state exam with confidence.
About Us
 In this ecomony, it is essential to have a recession proof job.  This is it!  Become a CNA in about a month.
Invest in a Career.  Take a pathway that leads to success.
Our spacious classroom promotes efficient learning in a hands-on study program. 

Shambria High Score 92%

More about the Instructor in his own words:
For the past fifteen years, I have been inspired to run an affordable nursing school where I help about 30 people a month change their lives.  We help people get their Florida CNA License by teaching them how to pass the state exam. We do it for literally $1000's less and in a fraction of the time of any other program. We run into former students daily who tell us what their new life is like with their CNA job.  They explain they don't live with their parents, don't need state assistance, and don't drive that gas-guzzling jalopy anymore.  Most smile, some nod, some write thank you cards.   That's not why we do it. 
Why does Tim do it?
Many of my students plummeted to where they are today due to a lack of parental support.  On all accounts, my parents educationally abandoned me.  So, I created this program to help people pick up the pieces and put them back on track with a future in a rewarding nursing career.  I strive to remember all their names and know I will have to give an account to a Higher power.
Whats the Reward?
And the reward...  We don't just get three or four children.  We get thousands to inspire, to encourage, to help them believe they can achieve through this program and my positive encouragement.  Times will change after 625th Class in August 2023.  We've thanked them all for the opportunity they have given us to inspire.  All of us can choose to rise from the most adverse and dreadful situations, shake off the dust, wipe the tears, then shout with all the rage of a neglected child, "I will stand my ground, and I won't back down."---[Tom Petty]  That is my gift from above, to inspire those who were told they can't, when I teach in way that you will learn, "Yes, you can!"  
Choose your Tomorrow Today
One can choose to wallow in self-pity, or you can choose to be like the Phoenix.  In a life that has burned you to the ground and scattered you to the wind, you can choose to rise from the ashes and never look back.  Let every person, force, death and birth give you a rebirth, a second chance in life.  Lose those chains that bind you, toss off your baggage, laugh at your faults, and curse those who dare to stand in your way.  Your day of independence has come.  Stand up and lift your head high and know that through your bravery you too can achieve success from your spirit within, which a most noble and godly trait.

"Do not hide your talents in life, for it is far too short.  We all have divine purpose, and meaning.  The key to life is to have the courage and bravery to take life, bend your knees, snarl your smile, and kick it square in the teeth."
Timothy Edgemon, Instructor
Sherrie High Score 81%
Aleashia High Score 89%
high score

 Our cozy house
Alexis High Score
Crystal High Score
Misty High Score
Anne Jenny High Score